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  • Social Affairs

The government aspires for all Somali citizens to have equal education, health, water, and economic growth opportunities.

While the Government gives the utmost priority to fostering security and establishing an independent judiciary, we will also focus on the equitable provision of essential services to the people, especially the most vulnerable, including the underprivileged, mothers, children, and people with special needs.

At the same time, the government will prioritize the swift implementation of stabilization efforts in recently liberated areas, including the inception of local councils and the establishment of security and judicial institute, ions which will facilitate rebuilding the local governance structures and aid in restoring trust in public institutions.

The Government will duly address issues about internally displaced persons and migrants who are scattered across Somalia and beyond so that they benefit from plans developed for the stabilization and rebuilding of the countryโ€™s regions and districts.

  • Environmental issues

The Government aims to manage recurrent droughts efficiently and other natural disasters to handle recurrent droughts and other natural disasters. Environmental protection is vital for our communal livelihoods and national development. Somaliaโ€™s environment faces numerous challenges, including deforestation, land degradation, soil erosion, climate change, biodiversity loss, and mass extinction. The Government is determined to prioritize issues relating to environmental conservation, including deforestation, waste management, marine waste dumping, and addressing the impacts of climate change (floods and droughts).

The Somali people are distraught by recurrent droughts and natural disasters. As we are all aware, at the time of drafting this document, Somalia suffered from a drought that displaced thousands, eroded large swathes of land cover, and resulted in countless fatalities amongst livestock.

There is also the possibility of major floods that are expected to cause further displacement. The most significant proportion of the aid received by Somalia is supposedly focused on emergency relief. However, most of these programs fail to bring about a sustainable way out of the recurring natural disasters. This government will work on supporting the impacted communities while taking preemptive measures against expected floods in upcoming rainy seasons.

The Government will operationalize the National Emergency Operation Centre tasked with coordinating the implementation of disaster and humanitarian response programs. The Centre will support the governmentโ€™s response management capacity regarding natural disaster risk.

Strategic Benchmarks:

  1. Harmonization efforts geared towards Disaster Management Humanitarian Affairs.
  2. Creation of national job creation initiatives.
  3. We are investing in significant higher education and
  4. Invest in the provision of public health services.
  5. Protecting the environment and mitigating climate change
  6. Building human resources capacity and raising public awareness
  7. Fostering social
  8. Safeguarding human rights