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Somali Prime Minister H.E, Hamse Abdi Barre has vowed

Somali Prime Minister H.E, Hamse Abdi Barre has vowed that he will spare no time to tackle the negative impact of corruption on every aspect of the Somali society, in an effort to promote transparency and accountability in the state institutions.

Speaking at an event marking the International Anti-corruption Day organized by the Ministry of Justice and Constitutional affairs, PM Barre reiterated his governmentโ€™s zero tolerance towards corruption, declaring an extensive anti-corruption revolution that will soon kick off across the country.

Prime Minister Barre noted that corruption is one of the worst ailments that could befall on society and government alike, as it stagnates economic growth by stalling the development of the countryโ€™s natural resources. He further stressed that the prevalent financial irregularities in the country costs the government much needed inland revenues to fund public expenditure and employ skilled and innovative workforce, which dents citizen confidence on the government institutions, thus undermining the countryโ€™s socio-economic and political stability.

PM Barre reaffirmed his governmentโ€™s commitment to rid the country off the corruption plague. However, mindful of the fact that governments alone cannot succeed in the war against corruption, he revealed plans to broaden the scope of the revolution by employing holistic anti-corruption strategy conducive to public participation in the process.

This strategy aims to in corporate citizens from all walks of life, including state institutions, government officials, civil servants, law enforcement officers, media representatives, the private sector, civil society, academia and religious leaders to play their roles in a bid to overcome the negative impact of corruption in public and private life.