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PM Calls Citizens, Government Officials To Rebuild Somalia As A Whole Through Is-xilqaan Program.

Muqdisho, September 17, 2018–Prime Minister Hassan Ali Khaire on Sunday night participated in an introductory ceremony of the Is-xilqaan program in Mogadishu.

Banadir region Governor, Ministers, MPs along with citizens came together for the Is-xilqaan program implementation ceremony.

PM Khaire emphasized to participants the importance of the Is-xilqaan program stating that it is an opportunity to rebuild the country, whilst providing a better future for the youth.

The Prime Minister encouraged Somali citizens to contribute monetarily, volunteer their time, to unite for taking part in achieving national interest.

Khaire stated “Citizens must come together to rebuild the country as a whole through the is-xilqaan program. All national leaders must do their part towards rebuilding our country.”

In August 2018, during the Garow meeting, the cabinet officially approved “Is-xilqaan” program which government and civilians will jointly rebuild roads, historical places and government institutional buildings.

Communications and media department  
Mogadishu, Somalia 
Twitter: @SomaliPM